Export & Import Business

As part of various services for our clients, we provide assistance in international logistics, development imports, and overseas promotion.

In the ever-globalizing world of business, the importance of imports for sourcing products continues to grow. With our services, our professional staff, well-versed in trade operations, caters to your needs, even for small-scale transactions. You can confidently engage in overseas product sourcing and domestic product export, even if you lack knowledge and experience in trade.

To thrive in the competitive landscape of domestic and international business, it is crucial to continuously reform your operations, reduce waste, and concentrate limited resources (such as expertise and facilities) in key areas.

Additionally, by entrusting the complex import and export procedures to professionals, you can streamline your operations. Let’s work together to internationalize your market, maintain competitiveness, and achieve efficient imports.

As part of various services for our clients, we provide assistance in international logistics, development imports, and overseas promotion.

As part of various services for our clients, we provide assistance in international logistics, development imports, and overseas promotion.
As part of various services for our clients, we provide assistance in international logistics, development imports, and overseas promotion.
As part of various services for our clients, we provide assistance in international logistics, development imports, and overseas promotion.
Continual Business Reformation and Waste Reduction

Continual Business Reformation and Waste Reduction

Through ongoing business reformation, we reduce waste and improve efficiency. We constantly pursue the latest business practices and optimize the use of our management resources.

Concentration of Limited Management Resources on Key Areas

Concentration of Limited Management Resources on Key Areas

We focus our limited resources, including expertise and facilities, on key areas. Our expert team is experienced and will help you develop the best strategies to ensure your business’s success.

Achieving High-Quality Export and Import Procedures

Achieving High-Quality Export and Import Procedures

We streamline complex export and import procedures and ensure high-quality processes. Our specialized staff adheres to well-established procedures and supports smooth and rapid export and import processes.

Collaborative Promotion of Market Internationalization

Collaborative Promotion of Market Internationalization

We collaborate with you to promote market internationalization. With our international network, we stay updated on market trends and developments and jointly formulate strategies to ensure your business’s success in global competition.

Regarding Specific Cases

Q1: I want to replace our pallets with cleanable plastic pallets. Can you help?

Amid rising petroleum product costs, we can import the desired size, color, and customized plastic pallets from advantageous sources overseas. Our packaging experts will provide proposals for the optimal custom pallets after conducting strength calculations. We also offer services for creating items such as mesh baskets and plastic racks, as well as regular cleaning services.

Q2: We’d like you to develop promotional items for our products, such as hanging prizes for our juice products.

We manufacture original products in various categories, including miscellaneous goods, toys, confectionery, and food. We also offer processing services for your stored products.

Q3: We want to sell our rice crackers abroad. Can you help?

We conduct market research, sales proposals, overseas sales activities, and overseas trade show representation for Japanese products in foreign markets. The “Made in Japan” label enjoys a strong reputation and popularity overseas. Please consider us as the gateway for your product’s international expansion.

For inquiries about our trade services

For inquiries about our trade services, please feel free to contact us. Our staff will provide detailed responses. If you have any concerns or questions regarding trade, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Nippack International Co., Ltd.