Privacy Policy

About This Site

This website (hereinafter referred to as "the Site") is managed and operated by Nippack International Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we"). Before using the Site, please read the following terms of use. By using the Site, you agree to these terms.


All information posted on the Site is generally copyrighted by us. Except for personal use and cases permitted by copyright law, it is prohibited to use this information (including reproduction, modification, distribution, etc.) without our prior permission.


While we take utmost care in posting information on the Site, we do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, currency, usefulness, or safety of such information.
We are not responsible for any damages incurred by customers who have used or were unable to use the Site.
We reserve the right to change, delete, or interrupt the publication of information on the Site without prior notice. We are not liable for any damages caused by such changes, deletions, interruptions, or discontinuations.


The content of websites linked from the Site, other than those operated by us, is the responsibility of the respective entities or individuals and is not under our control.
We are not responsible for the content of linked websites or any damages resulting from customers using linked websites.
The links provided are for the convenience of customers, and we do not endorse the use or products and services of these websites.
The presence of links does not necessarily imply a special relationship of partnership or cooperation between us and the entities or individuals operating the linked websites.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

We recognize the proper protection and use of personal information entrusted to us by customers as a favorable social responsibility. In conducting our business, we comply with relevant laws and regulations, including the "Personal Information Protection Law," and our internal provisions, including this Privacy Policy, to strive for the appropriate protection and use of customer's personal information, aiming to be a trusted company by customers.

Collection of Personal Information

We will not alter the personal information we receive from customers without their consent, such as when they inquire with us or apply for our services.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

We will use the personal information received through the inquiry form only when it is essential for responding to the inquiry, except with the customer's consent or as provided by law.

Correction and Deletion of Personal Information

If customers who have registered their personal information through the inquiry form on the Site request modifications or cessation of use, we will promptly respond within reasonable limits upon contact.

Cookies and Access Logs

"Cookies" are small data files for personal recognition stored on a customer's computer when visiting our website. These are recommended for setting, as they do not violate privacy or have adverse effects on the customer's computer. We may collect information contained in cookies from customers who have set cookies to provide better services, and we will manage this information appropriately, similar to personal information.

Google Analytics

This site uses the Google Analytics access analysis tool provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies for data collection. This data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals.

You can refuse collection by disabling cookies, so please check your browser settings. For details, refer to theGoogle Analytics service terms of use pageand Google policy and terms page.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We will periodically review and revise this Privacy Policy in consideration of technological developments and changes in social demands, striving for continuous improvement in the handling of personal information.

Handling of Privacy Information on Linked Sites

This policy applies to the relationship between customers and the Site when using our services and does not apply to individuals or companies not directly managed by us. The same applies to other websites linked from our website. We are not responsible for any damages resulting from the use of various information obtained from linked websites.