Consulting Business

The Nippack Group, based on its expertise in packaging, warehousing, transportation, cleaning services, and trade support, will expand its business to provide comprehensive customer solutions and consulting services that benefit our clients.

The Nippack Group, based on its expertise in packaging, warehousing, transportation, cleaning services, and trade support, will expand its business to provide comprehensive customer solutions and consulting services that benefit our clients.
The Nippack Group, based on its expertise in packaging, warehousing, transportation, cleaning services, and trade support, will expand its business to provide comprehensive customer solutions and consulting services that benefit our clients.
The Nippack Group, based on its expertise in packaging, warehousing, transportation, cleaning services, and trade support, will expand its business to provide comprehensive customer solutions and consulting services that benefit our clients.

Aren't you troubled by things like this?

Supporting Effective Use of Land and Buildings

Supporting Effective Use of Land and Buildings

Are you facing challenges related to the utilization of buildings and land? We have solutions for those who may feel uncertain about how to use their buildings or land. Our experienced team will assist you and propose the best ways to utilize them. For example, we offer advice on efficient space utilization within warehouses, logistics improvements, facility renovations, and reconfigurations from various perspectives. We are flexible in addressing customer needs and work diligently to find the optimal solutions.

Proposing Environmentally Friendly and Effective Usage

Proposing Environmentally Friendly and Effective Usage

We emphasize using buildings and land in an environmentally friendly way. We consider environmental sustainability, energy efficiency, renewable energy utilization, and waste management optimization, among other eco-friendly practices.

Introducing Our Company with a Legacy of Expertise

Introducing Our Company with a Legacy of Expertise

We have inherited the warehouse business from previous generations, accumulating a wealth of experience and knowledge over the years. We have been involved in various projects, honing our knowledge and experience in warehouse and logistics facility design and operations. We constantly monitor industry trends and market dynamics to understand customer needs and develop optimal strategies.

Expanding Services from Local to National and Global

Expanding Services from Local to National and Global

We actively contribute to the economic revitalization of our local communities by offering services tailored to local characteristics, devising marketing strategies, and supporting local industry promotion and job creation. We also prioritize talent development and educational support for local youth and professionals, enhancing skills and career development programs.

Comprehensive Proposals from Planning and Development to Education and Operations

Comprehensive Proposals from Planning and Development to Education and Operations

Based on your challenges and goals related to warehouse or land utilization, we develop comprehensive plans and provide support to make them a reality. We offer total solutions in a wide range of areas, including system implementation and training programs for warehouse efficiency and productivity improvement, facility remodeling, and support for new business development.

Proposals for Full Utilization of Warehouses and Land

Proposals for Full Utilization of Warehouses and Land

We promote economic revitalization in collaboration with local businesses and municipalities, focusing on expanding market channels for local specialty products and creating new businesses. We aim to leverage the valuable resources and expertise available locally to contribute to the sustainable development of our region.

Appeal to Those Interested in Businesses Beyond Warehousing

Appeal to Those Interested in Businesses Beyond Warehousing

We cater to a wide range of businesses, not limited to warehousing alone. If you have challenges or concerns in areas such as logistics, trade, or other businesses in addition to warehousing, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our experienced and knowledgeable team is here to assist you and provide the best solutions.

For inquiries about our consulting business

For inquiries about our consulting business, please feel free to contact us. Our staff will provide detailed responses. If you have any concerns or questions regarding business collaboration, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Nippack Co., Ltd. Head Office: